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  • Zur Soziologie des Gerichtsverfahrens (Sociology of the Judicial Process)

Zur Soziologie des Gerichtsverfahrens (Sociology of the Judicial Process)

Angebote / Angebote:

The text concerns itself with the scope of the concepts of "social ignorance" in the law, particularly in case law. "Social knowledge" refers to general knowledge about that behavior which society expects and demands in various type­ situations, and with reactions and sanctions one must reckon with when conduct deviates from model behavior. The low level of knowledge of law, so obvious in modern society, is not primarily to be ascribed to the sheer volume of legal rules and doctrines, but rather to the multiplicity and impenetrability of market behavior, and the economic powerlessness of the ordinary consumer. The author illustrates the problem with analysis of cases in the Bundesgericbtsbof on installment sales, in which the court has attempted to take "social ignorance" into account. The author shows, by means of this case-law, that that "social ignorance", which can be completely functional, only evokes the attention of courts, when it reaches a magnitude such that it impairs the party's understanding, and his confidence that the court will rule in accordance with his expectations. Anmerkungen 1 Theo Mayer-Maly, Rechtskenntnis und Gesetzesflut, Salzburg 1969. 2 A. a. O. , S. 81 f. und 85. 3 A. a. O. , S. 82. 4 S. Anm. 2. 5 Diese Definition umfaBt ihrem Wortlaut nach einen weiteren Sachverhalt aus dem Bereich der Kraftfahrzeugversicherung. 1m Zusammenhang mit der Frage namlich, ob der versicherte Kraftfahrer die ihn nach § 7 I Nr. 2 S.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


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