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Writers on My Watch

Angebote / Angebote:

Esteemed poet and literary scholar Robert Lima penned poems dedicated to some of his favorite authors. ROBERT LIMA is a Cuban-born award-winning poet, and an internationally-recognized critic, bibliographer, playwright, and translator. He retired after 40 years in the teaching profession as Professor Emeritus of Spanish and Comparative Literatures at The Pennsylvania State University, as well as Fellow Emeritus of the Institute for the Arts and Humanistic Studies. Previously, he had taught at Hunter College, CUNY, and abroad in Perú and Cameroon, lecturing widely in the U.S. and overseas.The writers on his watch include: AMIRI BARAKA JORGE LUIS BORGES ANDRÉ BRETON JOSEF BRODSKY GWENDOLYN BROOKS LEONARD COHEN DEMOCRITUS JAMES DICKEY ROBERT FROST FEDERICO GARCÍA LORCA TONY HILLERMAN RANDELL JARRELL LEUCIPPUS JACKSON MACLOW HOWARD MOSS DYLAN THOMAS RAMON DEL VALLE-INCLAN MARIO VARGAS LLOSA PAUL WEST WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS YEVGENY YEVTUSHENKO MAO ZSEDONG
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


25,50 CHF