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Stuart Favill and I share the same birthday and year of birth, I'm not sure if we share the same minute, but we do both share a love of poetry and music and our influences are very similar. It's probably why I find it so easy to relate to his words, because we come from the same world at the same time. His words are clear and concise, never wandering on aimlessly, like so many people's lives. We have both also worked in areas with the most vulnerable of society and poems of his, such as 'Cutting', really reach the heart with their frank and direct observations. Stuart has a way of communicating without pretence some very powerful feelings and observations on life and can make extremely valid points. Yet he still maintains a sense of humour that manifests itself at many a lingual turn. We are aware of the social and family issues dealt with in poems like 'The Devil In The Corner', and Stuart makes clear the dangers of that little box that I am now writing on! In the 'Rite Of Passage', he shares with unashamed honesty the feelings he had when his mother passed away, and that is, I think, the root of Stuart's poetical strength, his honesty, even when it may be uncomfortable. In this collection, there is a poem which everyone should be able to relate to, if not many, a moving and entertaining view of life from Stuart Favill's eyeline. Tony Stringfellow. Tony Stringfellow is an accomplished artist, sculptor, performer, poet and author. His works include the acclaimed book, 'The Wizard's Gown' a study of the lyrics of Marc Bolan, (T.Rex) and 'Silent Solitudes', a collection of thought provoking poetry.
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