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Who's Right? (Whose Right?)

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Truly the first book of its kind to take a completely objective look at the issues that surround one's right to make a choice in end of life decisions. Edited by 13-year ALS survivor, Robert Horn, the book offers intimate interviews with 11 individuals who have faced terminal situtations and have made specific decisions on how they are facing the end of their lives. In and around each interview are commentaries by 31 experts from various fields (law, medicine, psychology, nursing, hospice, religion) who provide opinions on both sides of the issues. Among the experts appearing in the book are: Derek Humphry (best selling author of Final Exit), C. Everett Koop, M.D. (former US Surgeon General), Edward Rivet (Right to Life of Michigan), Elaine Buzzinotti, RN, JD, Faye Girsh (Hemlock Society), Rita Marker (International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force) and Dr. Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ). As best selling author, Rabbi Harold Kushner wrote: This is a remarkable book. It plumbs the depths of the human mind and soul, pairing moving personal stories with a broad spectrum of thoughts on end-of-life issues.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


44,90 CHF