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Angebote / Angebote:

Born out of a season of intense unexpected wilderness wandering Pastor Cowley offers this fresh look at the Book of Jonah as an example of how familiar Scripture can be made alive, fresh and new not inspite of, but because of incredibly difficult experiences. What was originally the musings of one 'fellow struggler" seem to touch every Christ follower at some point during some season of life. The author, a pastor for more than 40 years reveals, almost line by line how the truths contained in this book known mostly for it's "big fish" speak more about God than either the fish or Jonah. The applications of these truth to real life people with real life issues and a tendency to avoid face to face encounters with a God who is relentless in His desire to make us holy could be transformational. "What Happens When the Jonah in Us Meets the God in Jonah" was first presented as a series of messages to two congregations members of which, in both, encouraged that they be converted to print form.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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