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Angebote / Angebote:

This book has taken information from the bible to make it plain and it is here to correct what we have been taught is misleading, corrupted and it is incorrect. If you study the word it says that The Messiah would be in the tomb three nights and three days. But men say HE died on friday evening and rose early sunday morning. So men say good Friday but according to the bible that is incorrect. Well that is a lied because HE was The lamb of YAHUAH and just like the Passover's Lamb Read Exodus 12 chapter. These people that we read about are Hebrews and would had to have Hebrew names and not English names not like James but Ya`aqov and not John but Yahuchanon . And YAHUSHA the son of GOD, mother is Hebrew and her name is Miryam and not Mary. And that HE IS HEBREW nationality. And we in the Americas are the true sons and daughters of Ya`aqov and his father Yitschaq and his father Avraham Hebrew Genesis 14:13. You see we are not black, negro, african American. We are the nation of Hebrews and our GOD IS THE HEBREW GOD as Exodus 3:18 and Africa true name is not Africa, but YAH called it Eden Genesis 2:8. YAHUSHA was born December 25 but was born in the spring time. The earth does not revolve around sun but the sun revolve around the earth just like the moon and the sun is not 93, 000, 000 million miles away from earth because if it was how big then is the sun? The sun is not the center of the universe but earth and Yah has designate for this earth to end and he will recreate a new heavens and new earth and He will live with men. And there are no planets as we have been so blinded to believe man's truth. We are following information into people who think not there is A CREATOR. But there is A CREATOR and HE is ELOHIYM FATHER SON and RUACH HA, QODESH. But those who refused to acknowledge YAH will forever deal with fire of the eternal lake for their follow as the man in the 16th chapter of Luke. There is no black race or white race because race is not nation and we are either melanated or non-melanated and the amount of melanin in your dna determine the color of skin. You see man has labeled every person with a drop of blood from a man of color as black and it is a lot of melanin people labeled as black and they can pass as white. Example Ronda Rouse would be black because of her great grandfather. As you can see we are not black. My skin tone is brown and so all brown people are black oh so wrong. I know people from India are darker than me so why aren't considered back? So to use the black is highly erroneous and Hispanic are not brown the majority has very little melanin in their DNA. So can you see where I am coming from. They the one that write the book did not want us to know that we are the my people in the bible.
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