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  • Westminster Abbey - Its Architecture, History and Monuments - Vol I

Westminster Abbey - Its Architecture, History and Monuments - Vol I

Angebote / Angebote:

WESTMINSTER ABBEY , John Froissarf, priest am f ia plain., ami canon of CJnmay and JM f Flatulent, myself to w rk at fay forge to fi tfn. . v.-, nota fo matter retafirefo the wars fftwcn j V ., and JKHffland... whfch e cciltnt mrtten i, tlrwt Me grace tf G0 t f, t skall VV r ci , v il v r tf v fl fawr at ft th mw Jelsgfsff . TO THE MEMORY OP THE BRAVE AND THE FAITHFUL, TUB STROM, TUB STEADFAST AND TUB TRUB, PROM PALACES OR PROM BALLS OF STATE, FROM CHURCH OR CLOISTER OR FAIR ENGLISH HOME, WHO AT LAST, THIS PAINFUL LIKE ENDED, HAVE POUND PEACE FUL SHKLTKR WITHIN THE WALLS OF WESTMINSTER AIlfiKY, I U8MCATK THIS BOOK, TABLES OF CONTENTS VOLUME I. Chapter. Page I. The Founding of the Abbey . . i II. The Saxon Church and the Norman Church of Edward the Confessor 22 III. Henry Ills Church, the Present Building 52 IV, Completion of the Nave the Novum Opus 79 V, The Plan 96 VL The Choir and Sanctuary . 101 VII. The Transept 136 VII L The North Transept .... 144 IX. The South Transept, or the Poets Corner ....... 164 X. The South Transept, continued . 194 XII. The Ambulatory ..... 222 XII. The Chapel o Edward the Con fessor 245 XIII. The Tomb and Shrine of Edward the Confessor 268 XIV. Other Tombs in the Confessors Chapel ....... 287 XV. Chapels of the South Ambulatory 347 r, Henry VIIs Lady Chapel ... 38 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME I Westminster Abbey from the Deans Yard Facing Page The Tomb of King Sebert ..... 6 The Abbey Church in 1054, with Richard IPs Porch from Hollars etching if The Norman Undercroft in the East Cloister . 3 The Abbey Church of Jumiegcs 48 Henry III, from the effigy on his Tomb , , 54 Cardinal Lantfhams Tomb in St. Benedicts Chapel ......... 84 The Choir looking East, arranged for a Corona tion . ....... 106 The Triforium Arcade ...... 108 Abbot Wares Pavement in the Sanctuary . 108 Tombs uf Aveliw, Countess of Lancaster, Ay mcr de Valence and Edmund Crouchback . 1x8 The Transept, arranged for Edward VI Fs Curouation, with thrones for the Ring and Queen ......... 140 The North Transept, looking towards the Poets Corner ......... X4 The Earl of Chatham ...... 156 A Censing Angel in the Transept . 166 View into the South Transept from the Sanc tuary ......... r o Monuments to Sliak nearc, Thomson, Camp bell and busts of Burns, Coleridge and Southey ......... M Monuments to Spenser, Milton, Jonson, Butler, tJrry, Chaucer, Dryilen and Longfellow graves of Browning and Tennyson . . i X List of Illustrations Facing Page Chaucers Tomb AM St. Faith aifr South Ambulatory, St Nicholas Chapel and Henry Vs Chapel 4 North Ambulatory, Queen Eleanors Tomb, St. John the Baptists Chapel and Islips Chapel - w Edward the Confessors Chapel ... - M f Coronation Chair J u The Tomb of Henry III NJ The Tomb of Queen Philippa part of Henry Vs Chantry Chapel . . . . .310 Reredos of Henry Vs Chantry Chapel . 32, 2 The Tomb of Edward III V Tomb of William do Valence with detail of Shield and Sword Beit 358 The Duchess nf Suffolk, Mother of L. nly Ja u Grey .15 Henry VJIs Chapel looking Yeat, with Sul.-and Gates Sri Henry VII , Ian Tracery . , 4. Demi-Angels, with Tmlor emblems . . , A Bron c Gate 4K Dean Williams rf LIST OF LINE DRAWINGS IN TEXT VOLUME I. Page A Mediaeval Orjiaii 23 Earls Barton Tower 24 The Xormau Church, from the Bayeux Tapestry JQ IMan of the Abbey Church of Jumieges . . 44 Capital from Jumieges 46 Henry III giving directions to his architect . - 67 Henry TIT delivering the relic of the Holy Blood to the Abbot o Westminster . , 74 Conjectural Vitw of the Abbey Church before the completion of the nave .... 78 IVince Edmund in hw cradle x i Two of the Knights painted on Crouchbacks Tomb 1-23 rian of Abbey 127 A Spandril in the North Transept . . . 146 Wolf Marks on German swords , . .267 A Capital St. Itonwlids chapel .... 353 A Spuutlril hi St. Edmunds chapel . . . 358
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