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Angebote / Angebote:

From inspiration to heartache, hope is fleeting asfreedom becomes a distant memory...Wilhelm Quedlin's plan to change the tide of the war is thwarted when he is arrested. And, making matters worse, with the arrest of his wife, Hilde, the fate of their children is thrown into chaos. The situation is desperate and the circumstances become even more dire when Q finds out who was behind his capture and imprisonment.Yet hope remains...In the midst of their situation, Q and Hilde are encouraged when they meet like-minded political prisoners in the penitentiary and rumors of reprieval make the rounds.Despite darkness and despair looming in the distance, their hope never fades.Will they evade the inevitable and come out unscathed by the claws of the Gestapo?Suddenly inspiration strikes: Q devises a plan to cause a devastating blow to Hitler's regime - assassinate a key player in his organization. One life in exchange for millions of lives saved. In Q's mind it seems simple but war is always complicated.Q's plan may have a rippling affect that could potentially end the war and affect change around the world. But can he go through with it? Does Q have the courage to pull it off? Or will the looming fear that it will not only ruin him but also harm his family cause him to abandon the plan altogether?
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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