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Untreue und Transparenz

Angebote / Angebote:

»Breach of Trust and Transparency. An Intervention for the Proceduralization of the Lex Lata (Section 266 German Criminal Code)« The present study represents an intervention for the proceduralization of the German criminal offence of »breach of trust« (section 266 German Criminal Code) on the basis of transparency as the procedural criterion. Based on a historical, criminological, and system-theoretical analysis and after systematizing the criticism of the German criminal offence of »breach of trust«, the author presents a concept of a procedural criminal law on »breach of trust« within the framework of a lex ferenda, thereby serving as an example for the proceduralization of other white collar offenses.
Folgt in ca. 2-3 Arbeitstagen


127,00 CHF