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Tutor Yourself - How to Pass Any Test

Angebote / Angebote:

In a world like today, man's very survival depends on his need and quest for Knowledge.Education is the vehicle to drive for this knowledge, Learning is the fuel that powers thatvehicle's engine, which is Teaching. Engine and fuel components must be in good condition fora smooth operation of the vehicle. Our educational system has a malfunction in either or bothof those components. As proof, President Obama cited a 50% High School drop out rate, whenhe recently proposed needed educational reform. Ineffective teaching or inadequate learning orboth result in poor testing ability, which delays our journey to good education.Phil Labbé, from his school years and afterwards, discovered that learning from classroomonly returned lower than expected test performance. Loving to learn, he realized thatself-motivation, desire to learn on his own, plus classroom teaching, improved his learningpotential and test results. He proved it to himself and to others. How and how much you learnmake a difference. By taking an active part in his learning, the student/learner becomes selftutored, therefore, enters TUTOR YOURSELF.This book demonstrates that when students make a covenant with themselves to reach adefinite goal, and condition themselves to follow strategies to enhance learning, they succeedwith good test performances, higher grades, graduation and a good job. Unless we developour innate skills for learning, it is very difficult to improve our lot. In this context, Phil Labbédeveloped and completed the method HOW TO PASS ALL TESTS.Tests are very important. While there is no known panacea against failing, the approachin this book shows that Active Learning does lead to more successful test passing. This bookcould give students a leg up in their "Race to the Top"(Reform campaign just launched byEducation Dept.). It is a race that so vitally needs to be won.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


46,90 CHF