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Treating Our Common Wound

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Wounded humans and feelings of victimization are more common than the common cold."The abuse and betrayal of our trust takes many forms, it happens in the form of sexual and emotional abuse, molestation, infidelity, neglect, abandonment, four-hundred years of systemic racism, and other crimes, just to name a few examples of the ravishing of our most sacred possession -- our trust.There probably is not a person on this earth who has not been wounded in some form. If you have not been wounded, I am sure you know someone who has. Therefore, this book can be helpful to everyone who wants to get past being wounded, and begin the process of healing. If this sounds like something you want to undertake, I encourage you to take out some time for yourself to do for you, what only you can, namely, "Heal thy self." There are as many families, communities, nations, and races as there are individuals who need healing from the abuse and betrayal of their trust. Thus, this book can be used as a tool for treating individual and collective wounds, as well as erasing generational curses.Danny has been certified by Toastmasters International as a competent Public Speaker (1991 East Moline). He received his GED from the Chicago City Colleges (1981) and obtained a certificate in Graphic Arts from Southeastern Illinois College (1987). He is a former member of the Pan-African Revolutionary Socialist Party. He spent twenty years in prison and ten in Elgin Mental Health Center. While in the hospital he wrote over eight-hundred poems, three books of daily meditations, and numerous speeches and Afro-centric anecdotes. He also acted as a mentor for younger consumers while there, leading his own peer-support groups and chairing GROW for four years (2003-07). You can contact him at, for an appearance at your venue.
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24,50 CHF