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Traveling Through The Valley

Angebote / Angebote:

This book contains thirty short stories about the trial and tribulations of my life or of those around me. It consists of short stories, a commentary, twenty scriptures for each short story, and a prayer at the end of each story. Working in environment where life is real and bad things happen, God taught me that his word shines through it all. This book has helped me cope with the pain, and I was able to release a lot of that pain that was behind it. It also helped me forgive those that hurt me. Even though the majority of this book is about real-life events that happened to me, it was also about those around me, so names were changed to help protect those who wished to remain nameless. Here I tell stories ranging from child molestation to betrayal and other events in between. The scripture after each story is placed there to help you pray against the trials, to help you pray for strength in that situation. God's word is alive and living and can be activated in your life to help you.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


24,90 CHF