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Transfer Day

Angebote / Angebote:

The narrative of Transfer Day explores the discovery of ancestral roots on the Island of St. Croix and the history of the American Virgin Islands, formally known as the Danish West Indies. The Transfer Day literary project is central to a series of projects that formulate a comprehensive study of the historical "New World." Learn the role the Virgin Islands and Caribbean region played in the growth and advanced development of the Western world and the African Diaspora. Apart from the Caribbean Islands as the first port of call for Christopher Columbus' four voyages and the explorer's "official" mandate of discovery, enslaved Africans on St. Croix and the Virgin Islands in particular gave birth to historical African American figures. These people made exemplary contributions to the respective islands of their birth, as well to the illustrious and colorful history of America and the famous Harlem Renaissance. Transfer Day crystallizes an important and unheralded piece of history that enjoys a symbiotic connection in context to the broader popular historical account of the development of the Western hemisphere, from the sixteenth century to current political, economic, and social times. Gary James is a perennial student of history, a business owner and former professional political organizer during the civil rights era. He was member of the New York City staff of the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) from 1966 to 1971. Writing and the creative arts has always been his passion. He is currently a political analyst, consultant, author, and is the chairman of a consulting and management company specializing in project development, from concept to creation. Publisher's website:
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