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To Pay the Piper

Angebote / Angebote:

The federal government has bitten off more medical, social and retirement programs than it can chew and will be in fiscal hot water before long. This book attempts to accomplish three things: Besides suggesting a way to cope with the federal government's enormous financial obligations and ways to improve the producer/eater ratio, it also outlines a way for ordinary American people to nominate and elect government officials who will be more responsive to people than they are today. The book is replete with thoughts about what to do and how to do it. None of the solutions proposed is really novel, but most of them do involve a significant departure from the way things are done today. Some of the ideas propounded can be implemented at this time. Others cannot and must await the proper economic, political, and social climate, but I have set them out, nonetheless, so that when the time does come - as it surely will - they will be available for anyone who believes they have merit. If nothing else, I hope they will inspire the commencement of some fresh thinking in these areas by others. The obstacles to making the changes are admittedly colossal, but the task is not impossible. It requires merely a widespread effort by ordinary people with focus and perseverance.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


25,90 CHF