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Till Heaven Do Us Part

Angebote / Angebote:

After living in Hell for a year, I might have to amend the saying "Hell is other people" to "Hell is other people's family." Specifically, my dear demon husband's family, AKA my infernal in-laws. Even more specifically, Lucifer, my grandfather-in-law. In a revelation surprising exactly no one, Lucifer really is a mean-spirited, nefarious, hateful mothertrucker, and for reasons beyond my control, I am bound to him with a vow of silence about a juicy little secret he's been keeping-from Azazel, my beloved demonic spouse. Which puts me between a rock and a hard place, and I don't mean between the wall and Azazel's magnificently muscled torso. That one, I wouldn't mind. I'm notoriously bad at keeping secrets. Given the non-existent filter between my brain and my mouth, no one's more impressed than me that I haven't spilled the beans to Azazel yet. I can only credit the paralyzing fear of what Lucifer would do to me if I broke my vow to him. But I'm just barely keeping it together here. All it would take for me to crack is a crisis that short-circuits my brain and I'd probably sing like a canary. Thank goodness my life is boring AF and nothing ever happens here in Hell to throw me off kilter. Oh, wait... *** Author's Note: Till Heaven Do Us Part is the second installment in the Infernal Covenant trilogy. This book ends in a cliffhanger, for which the author is really sorry.* Book 3 will likely be released in early 2024. While complaints about the cliffhanger won't make the author write faster, production speed may be increased by sending her copious amounts of coffee.** *not really **or kind messages of support
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


32,90 CHF