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The Wood-Pigeons and Mary

Angebote / Angebote:

The Wood-Pigeons and Mary" is a delightful story written by means of Mrs. Molesworth, a prolific English author of kid's literature in the past due 19th and early twentieth centuries. The narrative facilities around a charming interaction between Mary, a younger protagonist, and a pair of timber-pigeons. The tale unfolds as Mary discovers a pair of wood-pigeons nesting in the trees near her home. Mrs. Molesworth skillfully weaves a tale of friendship and journey as Mary befriends the birds and observes their habits and behaviors. The wood-pigeons end up Mary's partners, adding a touch of magic to her everyday existence. Through the mild and eccentric narrative, Mrs. Molesworth explores issues of nature, curiosity, and the pleasure of easy pleasures. The timber-pigeons become symbolic guides, main Mary on a journey of discovery and fostering a deep appreciation for the herbal international. Mrs. Molesworth's storytelling is characterized by its warm temperature and a keen understanding of a infant's attitude. The narrative invitations young readers to connect to the wonders of nature and the enthralling possibilities of friendship with the animal kingdom.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


21,50 CHF