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The Virtue of Heresy

Angebote / Angebote:

Heresy: The declaration of opinions contrary to prevailing doctrine, opposition to dogma, unorthodox approach to science, method employed by one's intellectual enemy, individual behaviour often attracting the label "crank". In the course of using essential theories of science in my decades-long attempt to demystify the heavens, I became increasingly frustrated by ideas that just didn't harmonise. If we were uncovering the truth, I reasoned, then the component parts devised by disparate specialists should dovetail neatly together. But they don't. Classical Newtonian mechanics doesn't see eye-to-eye with Einstein's relativity, both are sneered at by quantum mechanics. Theories highly successful in their own right seemed when compared with one another to be describing different universes. I decided that it was scientific methodology that had gone horribly wrong. I was convinced that some of the fundamental hypotheses upon which I based my enquiry were by strict analysis utterly invalid. They did not describe reality. That was a train-smash, both for me and for the progress of science, as I understood it. This book is an account of that crisis. But fear not, this is not a high-tech science report for ÿber-geeks. It's a storybook filled with myth and adventure. It's science unplugged.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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