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The Sons of Apollyon

Angebote / Angebote:

Elisabeth St. James is a reporter stuck in her in her small-market hometown. She mostly covers fluff stories until she is the first on the scene of a ritualistic killing. After the third murder, the glare of the national media shines on her and her dream of moving to New York seemed to be finally within reach. She soon develops an uneasy relationship with a private detective, hired by one of the victim's parents. She isn't sure which emotion he stirs in her more, fear or lust. The dream of network stardom quickly becomes a nightmare. During their investigation, they discover an ancient sect that is devoted to a shadowy leader. Calling themselves The Sons of Apollyon, they are tied to every major event in mankind's history. Moreover, she learns about a weapon forged thousands of years before the birth of Christ. Before the murders began, her only worry was if she would ever escape her provincial life. Now, Bets finds herself holding the sword of God in her hands along with the fate of mankind.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


31,50 CHF