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The Plumbline

Angebote / Angebote:

With over 35000 denominations, religious cults and christian groupings all over the world in the name of the church, each claiming to have the truth one is left with the question, 'what is truth?' which one of the above mentioned groupings have the truth? Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, ' if the foundations were shaken, as a christian would you be found standing?' There is only one way and one truth, but which is that? Man willingly or ignorantly has thrown his mind into the word of God and introduced traditions, creeds, dogmas and synods. The church has been blind to the sound doctrine and has turned to fables and teachings that are fleshly designed for selfish gain and mere ambitions. God wants a pure church standing on the unalduterated word of God.You may be at cross roads, which way would you follow? You cannot stay at the crossroads, there is only one way to follow. This is what makes us the one body of Christ. This book is based on the teachings of the early christians founded on the bases of the apostles and the prophets, which make the church. Outside this base is a shaky church, a candle in the wind. Let us base the church on the ROCK, the REVEALED WORD OF GOD THAT CANNOT SHAKE.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


25,90 CHF