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The New Forest Spy

Angebote / Angebote:

The New Forest Spy" via George Manville Fenn is a mesmerizing ancient novel set in the midst of the English Civil War. The story facilities on the adventures of younger Lionel Vickars, a boy swept into the turbulent and divided global of seventeenth-century England. Amidst the conflict between Royalists and Parliamentarians, Lionel finds himself embroiled in an internet of intrigue and risk as a spy for the Parliamentarians. The New Forest, a haven for Royalists, serves as a backdrop for Lionel's clandestine missions, in which he has to navigate the intricacies of espionage even as facing non-public and moral challenges. Fenn skillfully portrays the technology's social and political tensions, using vivid descriptions and compelling characters to depict the fervor of the time. Lionel's individual development unfolds as he grapples with the complexities of loyalty, betrayal, and the burdens of espionage throughout a duration of extreme countrywide upheaval. "The New Forest Spy" stands as an interesting ancient story, combining elements of adventure, espionage, and historic drama. Fenn's storytelling information immerses readers within the intrigue of the Civil War era, shooting the spirit of the times and the private trials confronted via a younger spy in a divided and tumultuous England.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


21,50 CHF

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