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The Mustache That Cured World Hunger

Angebote / Angebote:

Meet a mustache who's hungry to help. As Steve fell asleep one night, his mustache started craving a snack. It quietly zipped out the window and into the night, traveling to many different destinations to munch. From Italy to Istanbul, this mustache eats food from all around the world until he suddenly hears a grumbling noise caused by hungry tummies. Now the mustache has a different mission. Will this mustache complete it before the sun rises and Steve wakes up? *50% of book proceeds are donated to the Oregon Food Bank to fight hunger. Each book sold will provide 3 meals to hungry people, because no one should go hungry.* As of October 2015 this project has donated over $1, 500 dollars (or 4500 meals) to the OFB!
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


14,90 CHF