. Geography and Science teachers can use this to expand their study of plants, animals, and resources of the world's rain forests. . Finally, it is my desire to spread interest in healthy eating as teachers, children and parents research and learn about the many health benefits of coconuts and create their own rain forest recipes using coconut, coconut milk, and coconut water." />
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The Monkey and the Toucan

Angebote / Angebote:

The villagers in this tropical rain forest notice that something has happened to the stream flowing into their small village. Why is the toucan squawking? Following the stream back into the dense part of the rainforest, they see the problem. What can they do? From the elders to the children, they join their ideas and plan a solution that takes off with energy and momentum beyond their expectations. Their spirit of cooperation and is an example that will delight and inspire children to realize that working together they can solve problems. . Reading and Language Arts teachers can use The Monkey and the Toucan as a writing prompt by asking students: "What would you do if you were in their place?" Children's ideas and solutions can lead them to write their own ending to the story individually or as a class project. <>. Geography and Science teachers can use this to expand their study of plants, animals, and resources of the world's rain forests. . Finally, it is my desire to spread interest in healthy eating as teachers, children and parents research and learn about the many health benefits of coconuts and create their own rain forest recipes using coconut, coconut milk, and coconut water.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


40,50 CHF