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"The Mischievous Boy" and The War Hero

Angebote / Angebote:

In this book the author George Manus wants to give the reader an insight into how he, as the stepson of Max Manus, perceived his younger days on Landøya in Asker in the time from when he arrived there in 1946, aged seven, until he moved away from home at the age of 21. Here he has collected stories from his collection of reflections, all of which, in one form or other, relate to Landøya and thereby his stepfather Max. As many of his stories are around 65 to 75 years back in time he reminds readers of some words of wisdom from the author Gabriel Garcia Marques. "What matters in life is not what happened, but what you remember and how you remember it". The book contains three chapters from Max's war-book Underwater Saboteur, and pictures which are all related to the time it was about, some from Max Manus own pictures.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


24,50 CHF