The Masterpiece
BücherAngebote / Angebote:
As John looks up at Jesus, he gazes on the turning point of history. This is the apex of all time. The Pinnacle. The mountain Peak. It is the axis around which angels revolve. The supreme focus of eternity. The heart of all Heaven.This is God's love song without sound. His sermon without words. His dance without motion. His classic work of art. It is God's Masterpiece, painted in blood and floodlit with glory.Yes, here on this lonely mount called Calvary, God the Father has dipped His brush into the blood of His own Son. With tender touches of mercy and blazing strokes of judgement, He has painted His love on the canvas of His own Son's flesh. He has raised Him up on the easel of the Cross. Displayed Him in the gallery of Golgotha. Pulled back the veil and thundered through Heaven and Earth-"Behold the Lamb! He is forever the Masterpiece of God!
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