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Angebote / Angebote:

Embark on an adventurous expedition through the enchanting landscapes of Midian with the legendary explorer Sir Richard F. Burton in 'The Land of Midian.' Penned in the 19th century, this travel narrative immerses readers in Burton's daring journey through the Arabian Peninsula, a region steeped in myth and mystery. As Burton traverses the deserts and oases of Midian, the narrative unfolds tales of ancient civilizations, encounters with Bedouin tribes, and the exploration of historical ruins. With vivid descriptions and a keen eye for cultural nuances, 'The Land of Midian' not only serves as a travelogue but also as a valuable anthropological study of the Arabian Peninsula during Burton's time. Join Burton on this literary expedition where each page reveals a new chapter of discovery, making 'The Land of Midian' an essential read for those captivated by tales of Arabian exploration, historical richness, and the enduring allure of the desert landscapes.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


22,50 CHF