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The Girl in Two Worlds

Angebote / Angebote:

She can see through his eyes, hear what he hears, feel what he feels, though they live millennia apart. Their precarious connection, the result of freak accidents, began (and seemed to end) in 2010 CE, when Suzanne lived Themistokles' teenage adventures in ancient Olympia. Now the connection is back, and in 418 BCE, Athens is threatened by Sparta and from within. Suzanne, a student and athlete in Lancaster, England, in 2017 CE, is a fascinated but helpless witness as Themistokles tries to save his city and his family. She is navigating her own troubled journey through mental and physical challenges, while Themistokles is dealing with Athenian politics, war, and a forbidden love affair, aided by Frog, his shrewd and resourceful slave and ally. Meanwhile, characters from The Boy in Two Minds reappear, including the spectre of Themistokles' evil nemesis, the beautiful but venomous Xenovia, whose memory simmers as a sinister presence with dramatic ramifications for him and his family. The story gathers pace and intricacy, weaving timeless themes of family duty, love versus lust, and the confirmation of identity, with the humour, action, and adventure of memorable characters, some of whom really existed in 5th century BCE Greece. The Girl in Two Worlds is Book 2 of The Connection Trilogy, following the parallel fortunes of Themistokles and Suzanne as they take on the excitements and responsibilities of adulthood. Does their connection help or hinder them? Can it be controlled? And will it ever be explained? Perhaps An Ancient Connection, Book 3 of the trilogy, will answer these questions ...
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