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The Ghost of Old Tom Joad

Angebote / Angebote:

America has John Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath', England has Marina Lewycka's 'A tale of Two Caravans', now Australia has 'The Ghost of Old Tom Joad'". A beekeeper gets murdered, and an ex-con's marijuana crop goes missing. All that remains are ashes... A thousand kilometres away and several months across time we learn that a ghost is responsible for a bar fight that lands an innocent backpacker in jail. This sets off a sequence of events that ties together people and places. But will the murderer still get away with his hideous crime? Following the Australian harvest trail we travel to exotic far North Queensland where we meet a cast of colourful characters. Susie, who after years in an abusive relationship leaves the big smoke of Melbourne to try and pick up the pieces of her broken life. Dave, an ex-con trying to mend his ways. Pommy John, who should have been a professional football player, yet now sees it as his personal mission in life to 'deconvert' born again Christian, Paul. Old Frank, an eccentric retired Uni professor, stirs the pot with his ideas of a long overdue revolution. Thrown into the mix is a mysterious undercover millionaire who teaches that the revolution they are desiring is an internal one. Loves are found and lost, lessons are learnt, and underneath it all flows the all-pervading sense of the Law of Attraction at work and the hand of Karmic Justice blurring the line between life and death.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


20,90 CHF