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The First Fairy Tale

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The First Fairy Tale: Book III Making Sense Parents have always recognized that reading to their children is a good idea. In fact, even respected authorities like Albert Einstein have recommended reading fairy tales to children. Ancient cultures have told stories and sung songs to children-even while the children were being carried in the wombs of their mothers. Current research is now proving that babies hear while in-utero, and they remember the stories and songs they heard!The First Fairy Tales are a series of stories that portray an idyllic journey. From the compelling union of masculine and feminine energies (The First Fairy Tale I: The Adventure Begins), throughout the development of the heart (The First Fairy Tale II: The Awakening Heart), and now to the magnificent assemblage of a body and senses ready to be born into the light (The First Fairy Tale III: Making Sense), each fairy tale describes an ideal passage that prepares Little Ones for a successful transition surrounded with love and traversed with ease.In Joy, read these fairy tales to your Little One while you are pregnant. Your baby will get the idea! Your Little One will hear and internalize a model of a journey in which obstacles are overcome and development is both fun and awe-inspiring. Your baby will hear your voice conveying how much you appreciate the creative process being undertaken and will sense your anticipation of holding this Precious One in your arms. It is never too soon to begin communicating with your Little One who may be saying, "Tell me a story. I'm here, and I'm listening!
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