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The Egg Moon

Angebote / Angebote:

Ancient wisdom proclaims a teacher will appear when the student is prepared to learn. One is always where one needs to be, at exactly the moment that is required, to experience opportunities in increased awareness. The experiences of Von Goodwin have proven that the explanation of coincidence is nothing more than rationalization when remarkable things happen in one's life. These remarkable occurrences are often defined as miracles, and yet, the concept of miracles is misleading. The authority each person has in shaping their lives and creating their existence is as real, and as natural as life itself. The miracle then becomes why so many are unconscious to their creative power. Ancient text commissions those that see a need to act. To enlighten those that are searching, to encourage those that are struggling and to enable those that are eager to pursue their sacred callings. And it is the mission of the author to lead those that are ready to hear to a higher consciousness.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


29,90 CHF

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