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The Covenant Of Grace And The People Of God

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This is a fine defence of the integrity of the pan-Biblical covenant andthe faithful and consistent testimony of God to His church and peoplein every age. I particularly found Dr Ella's thoughts concerning theinternational nature of God's covenant promises in the Old Testamenthelpful and refreshing. I enjoyed, too, his thoughts on how a singularview of Jewish covenant applicability is too narrow.It has struck me for a long time how frequently the Lord was pleasedto send the gospel outside of Israel's borders. Did not Joseph take thegospel to Egypt? Naaman certainly carried the gospel back to Syriawhere there was already at least one believer in Damascus, a littleservant girl who evangelised her peers. Mordecai and Esther's greatnessin the court of the Medes and Persians was immense and we are toldmany believed because of them. Daniel's influence was considerable inBabylon and Nebuchadnezzar had wonderful revelations of God'sglory. The history of Balaam and Balak betrays a keen awarenessamongst surrounding nations of God's covenant dealings with Hispeople. These things were not hid. Jonah's testimony in Nineveh waspowerful and if we may take the scripture testimony at face value, andwe should, many, many believed God. This was a huge, huge city ofantiquity and the vast majority must surely have been Gentiles.Wise men came from the east seeking the King of the Jews. Eventhe Lord's dealings with the Syrophenician woman who by theSaviour's own testimony possessed great and genuine faith showscovenant grace was never restricted to a single race. She was aCanaanite by birth and abode, but was truly one of the lost sheep of thehouse of Israel whom the Lord had come to seek and to save. Gentilesknew grace and were blessed in the Covenant of Peace long before thegospel was sent more fully to the Gentiles in the great commission.This volume goes forth with the prayer and sure confidence that thesame grace that always saved sinners by bringing them to a knowledgeof the truth will be instrumental in opening the eyes of God's elect tillthe last lost sheep is gathered and the fulness of the truth as it is in Jesusis known the world over. Then the earth shall be full of the knowledgeof the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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