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The Case of the Rabbling Rabbi

Angebote / Angebote:

In a self-assigned vendetta to avenge the murder of a long-time close friend of his family and venerated town elder, Morrie vows to chase down the killer and personally, mano a mano, deliver due punishment. Time is of the essence, he must stay a stride ahead of the police homicide investigation team in order to get his hands on the killer before the latter is incarcerated. Acting on the suspicion that his prey is a member of the mob increases the likelihood that Morrie's mother's oft-repeated warning "You'll get the cement shoes" will finally be realized, if he meddles in local crime syndicate activities - especially where those activities involve illicit narcotics trafficking. Meanwhile, Congregation Mogen David's rabbi, stricken with mid-life crises, determines to support those who have found themselves beyond the Pale, an unpopular and generally ignored social cause, with, ironically, a boost from the fershtinkiner macher crime boss. Shamus Morrie's pursuit provides ample opportunity for enjoyment (or not!) of some quality time with the murder victim's daughter, whereby he finds that one vow leads to another. Oy vay!
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


19,50 CHF

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