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The Bull Grunt And The Emotionless Cry

Angebote / Angebote:

Christine and Emma are driven to the edge. Erby develops a thirst for blood and Priscilla senses the desire to be chopped into pieces. The snakes are back. Raquel can feel them, tearing at her insides. Frank's urge to gas Christine has returned and Mary's dog, Brutus, has developed a fondness for human flesh. The coming is near. At a hotel where the dead lurk, Tiger twists the arm of his friend, Billy, into shady dealings. Together, they are drawn into a ghostly world where a battle for survival ensues, taking them to the brink, in the ultimate test of friendship. Learn the terrifying truths behind the changing and discover what drove them to the edge. Enter the lives of the, once good, and journey onto a dark road of sucked in faces and outstretched arms, into the hearts and minds of two boys, young men, in a timeless world of horror.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


38,50 CHF