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The Bridge or the Battering Ram?

Angebote / Angebote:

Regionalism and globalization are often seen ascompeting processes of multi-state organization. Thisproject brings together these two processes toexplore the development of 'regions' in South andSoutheast Asian politics in order to analyzeeclectically the significance of the Bay of BengalInitiative for Multi-Sectoral and TechnicalCooperation (BIMSTEC). This work identifies coretheoretical reasons why the Association of SoutheastAsian Nations (ASEAN) exemplifies "successful" Asianregionalism and also why the South Asian Associationfor Regional Cooperation (SAARC) does not. Far frombeing a benign sub-regional bridge, the developmentof the BIMSTEC is stained in Sino-Indian competitionfor influence and power in a post-cold war Asia.Indeed, in final analysis, the BIMSTEC proves to be a"bridge" for powerful nations and a "battering ram"for smaller nations, unable to exert influence amidstregional politics. The Bridge or the Battering Ramoffers a timely reflection on the currents ofregionalism focussing on one of Asia's lessemphasized places that will nonetheless continue togrow in influence in the years to come.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


66,00 CHF

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