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The ANU Debating Society

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Alexander Macel Andre Sebastian Barker Bailiff 6:30pm 25th August 1970 chose to protect the Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia."Thesooner officials get the Australian Federal Police statement the sooner theycan use it to call a Royal Commission into the negligence of the Chief Justice, so they can argue he was negligent in the Mabo judgement, which is a 4-3decision." The Mabo judgement is the native title case.So, I have to sue 1788 police commissioners, directors of public prosecutions, ombudsman, administrator of Northern Territory governors, governor-general, members of legislative assembly, members of legislative council, members ofhouse of representatives, senators and senior officers of higher education inAustralia. Whilst I am doing this, 250 people apply for restraining orders and200 arrests occur. I become friends with the retired Chief Justice of the HighCourt Sir Anthony Frank Mason while he establishes a Hong kong Final Court ofAppeal and becomes a judge for 20 years. I said, "whilst it is significant thechief Justice of the High Court has been negligent for 7 years in his writtenjudgements, I think what is more significant is the fact 7 ministers from boththe labour party and liberal party have been significant for 7 years in theiradministration of legislation violated." I also said, no matter how hard lifewas Vanessa Camille Bayliss always protected me, so no matter what I have takenappropriate steps to protect as that is the right thing to do." Sir AnthonyFrank Mason says, "I appreciate you protecting me." I get Pope's Apology toChina and Pope's Apology to Oceania and establish Australian Capital TerritorySupreme Court of Appeal 2001 and make United Nations case.
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