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Tetiana's Adventures in Wonderlaw

Angebote / Angebote:

LEARN THE LAW WITH FAIRY TALES AND RHYMES! The Bar Exam: Most Law Students DREAD it! There are so many rules! I don't know what the rule is. I don't know why the rule is what it is. I forgot the rule! What if I don't pass??? Solutions? Case briefs? Outlines? Flash cards? ? ????? Hey, let's just pile up the number of rules to learn with no real structure or analysis! Making the mountain even bigger is the opposite of climbing it. *Case briefs make you remember a case which won't be tested and learn irrelevant facts like case names. I NEVER wrote a book about case briefs. See why? You're learning about RULES not parties to a case! *Outlines? The blind leading the blind: If you already knew, you wouldn't need an outline and if you don't know the rules or how they are structured then you can't write an outline. Writing outlines is ineffective for internalizing rules and pointless for learning argumentation. I I NEVER wrote a book about outlining. See why? *Flash Cards? At least you're learning the rules, not how to apply them nor how to analyze facts for a new case. So ... better than nothing. But only goes part way. FAIRY TALES? WTF?!? Uh yeah, that was my reaction at first. But fairy tales are memorable, you already know the fact pattern. Fairy tales bring you back to a time when most of the rest of you were safe. Me, I was raised by wolves, but you probably weren't. What beautiful eyes you have! So even if your childhood was a nightmare full of marauding big bad wolves, a blonde squatter sleeping in your bed, a hut walking on chicken legs, or oh god what IS that under the bed... I think we have some good law stories for You to learn legal analysis and the rules of law! What if passing the bar examination in law was just like a fairy tale or nursery rhyme? It can be! Buy this book and start to have FUN with law! This book explains the bar exam using examples from Alice in Wonderland! It shows the parallels between common law and civil law and also provides vital test-taking tips. A fantastic discussion of basic principles of common law, including comparisons with continental European civil law, using Alice in Wonderland as a foil. Richly illustrated, the book also includes lyrical poems about leading cases. Make the study of law light hearted and fun using ... fairy tales! :) Remember to learn more! QUIZMASTER LAW!
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


28,90 CHF