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Angebote / Angebote:

ScoThurston is a poet, mover and educator. He has published sixteen books and chapbooks of poetry, including three full-length collections with Shearsman. More recent work includes Phrases towards a Kinepoetics (Contraband, 2020) and Poems for the Dance (Aquifer, 2017). Scois founding editor of open access Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry and co-organized the long-running poetry reading series The Other Room in Manchester. Since 2004, he has been developing a poetics integrating dance and poetry which has seen him studying with dancers in Berlin and New York and collaborating with three dancers in the UK. Scois Reader in English and Creative Writing at the University of Salford where he has taught since 2004. Twier: @sco_thurston Work webpage: hps://
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