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Tales From the Oldest Profession

Angebote / Angebote:

In 43 years as a lawyer, Kevin O'Donnell encountered a wide and sometimes weird mix of characters - lawyers, clients, judges, police, and others. His story is not about the law, it's about people, those he worked with, alongside, and against. You might think some of the stories are improbable or even impossible. You'd be correct, but they're all true. There are tales of some notable people he had the privilege of working with, and some unusual situations he faced. There were occasional threats of violence, which he survived, together with aggression from some of his peers, in and out of court. During his days as an articled clerk through partnerships to his senior lawyer years, he gathered a litany of fascinating anecdotes for your reading pleasure. Many of the people he writes about are still his friends, some never were, and some are now deceased. They've all provided him with plenty of amusement over the years. He still has a wry smile as he brings their shared adventures to life in this memoir
Folgt in ca. 2-3 Arbeitstagen


27,90 CHF