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Strangers in Paradise

Angebote / Angebote:

Why do we sometimes meet someone and immediately feel rapport -"instant friends"- as though we are reuniting after a long absence? And why are we strongly drawn towards some people, yet repelled by others, without any logical reason? Why do we enjoy some places we travel to, feeling remarkably at home, as the area is fondly familiar in some inexplicable way? Yet why do we feel uncomfortable in other locales and can hardly wait to leave? Could we be re-experiencing deeply buried memories from long ago? Are we tapping into past life experiences? Is unfinished business bringing us together with individuals we loved or hated, to balance the past? And how do we balance those karmic scales to achieve balance, peace, and harmony? Strangers in Paradise was inspired by the author's transformational experience at a sacred heaiu near Opeeakaa Falls on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. Cosmic meetings and karmic relationships are set into motion in Strangers in Paradise, the charactersmoving to rhythms beyond their control. How they interact and then attempt to resolve their differences is the theme of this spiritual, healing, and romantic novel.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


16,90 CHF