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Angebote / Angebote:

From writer and award-winning poet James Ferace, author of "Imago Mortis: The Stories of James Ferace" and short films such as "Beneath the World, " comes the long-awaited collection of darkly intense poetry, "Somnambulism: The Poetry of James Ferace." Profiled in publications such as "Pulse" magazine, Ferace will awe readers with the power and raw beauty of his words. Enthralling, anguished, poignant, and complex, his poetry will caress the senses and stir the fundamental emotions buried deep within each of us. Fans of Ferace's writing will continue to be amazed at the offerings which come from the depths of such a beautiful and tormented mind.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


28,90 CHF

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