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  • Slowing and Stopping the Aging Process: The Lifesaving Legacy of Tom Tasseff Continues

Slowing and Stopping the Aging Process: The Lifesaving Legacy of Tom Tasseff Continues

Angebote / Angebote:

Tom Tasseff has written this fourth book on "Slowing and Stopping the Aging Process" and thereby giving you at least 20 to 25 years of a longer, healthier, happier, and more productive life, without the aches and pains of old age. It is based on some of the latest scientific research and discoveries of Nobel Prize winners and laureates. Old age doesn't cause disease, disease causes old age. Tom tries to place it all in this book in the easiest layman's terms to be understood by anyone that is actually interested. It is written in a size 14 font to be more easily read with spaces between paragraphs for your personal notes. Mr. Tasseff recalls a small meeting of some church members that invited him to autograph their books. While he was doing this, he mentioned important information could be highlighted. He casually opened one of the books and noticed many of the pages were almost completely highlighted. He mentioned that they didn't have to do that, just to highlight what is important. Mr. Tasseff was then told by the owner of that book, "But Mr. Tasseff, all of that was important." Our god-given body is a finely tuned machine with the unique ability to replicate and rejuvenate itself, to stay young and strong, and to last indefinitely. Of course, this simple fundamental principle has its basis in the assumption that we have provided the right conditions and have taken good care of ourselves. Just think about this for a moment, some people take better care of their cars than they do themselves! Which is worth more, your car or your body? This book is for you and the people you love.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


32,50 CHF