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Shia's "Tail" 2

Angebote / Angebote:

After being rescued from a dark place, Shia is adopted by a kindly woman and goes off to live happily ever after with his new mom, her husband, and her daughter. His new home is also occupied by-yep, you guessed it-cats. Shia develops a special relationship with each member of his new home. He loves his feline brothers and sister, especially Taz. She is older and smaller than the other cats, far too frail to play with the likes of strong young Noah and feisty Max. Shia protects Taz, and they loved each other very much. Taz usually takes time out of every day to walk through the house and make sure everything is as it should be. But today Shia senses something is wrong. He hasn't seen Taz making her rounds. Is something wrong? Shia learned that God would always be with him when he was rescued from the dark place. Now he must be brave and realize that though we don't always understand his ways, God has a plan for every one of his children.
Folgt in ca. 5 Arbeitstagen


22,50 CHF