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Seven Deadly Sins

Angebote / Angebote:

Greed, an all-consuming desire that spares no one in its relentless pursuit, is an elemental force that shapes human destiny. This eBook delves into the intricate dimensions of greed, unraveling its history, its psychological underpinnings, its manifestations in society, and its influence on both personal and global scales. In exploring the vastness of greed, the volume surveys historical occurrences where greed's voracious appetites led to significant societal changes-ranging from the fall of empires to the inception of financial crises. It postulates that greed, though often depicted in a negative light, is a multifaceted trait that has also propelled human innovation and economic development. Transcending mere historical analysis, this treatise employs psychological theories to dissect the very fabric of desire, to understand why the yearning for more becomes an obsession. Behavioral economists and sociologists contribute to a discussion on the thin line between healthy ambition and destructive greed, providing a platform for readers to reflect on their relationship with material possessions and status. Moreover, the book examines greed through the lens of literature and media, illustrating how tales and narratives of alluvial desires have served as cautionary tales, and at other times, sources of morbid fascination for audiences across the centuries. The representation of greed in popular culture is meticulously scrutinized to reveal society's simultaneous condemnation and admiration of this potent human drive.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


26,90 CHF

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