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Seasons of Her Soul

Angebote / Angebote:

If only a perfect wedding could ensure a perfect marriage. Young Lee Edwards is rooted and grounded in faith. With God in her life and college ahead, her future is bright as summer. When handsome Todd Gallagher sweeps Lee into a whirlwind romance, it brings a surprising season of change. Fall arrives as decisions swirl around Lee-should she choose college and career or marriage? With Todd's assurance that she can pursue her goals, a picture-perfect wedding should usher in sunny skies. But Todd hides a dark past. Storms soon threaten and violence erupts at his hands. Winter commences as Lee's faith falters and she struggles to survive. How long can she weather this season of the soul? EXCERPT: When the newlyweds went to church the next morning, Lee blushed pink when every head turned to see the new couple. Oh, well, she thought--let let them look. She stifled a giggle as they continued up the aisle and she recalled Sug Avery's famous line from the movie The Color Purple: "I's married now!" When the service ended, Lee realized she'd be saying goodbye to her family. So that explained the heaviness in her heart. They'd agreed to say their farewells outside. Todd's immaculate black Toyota Camry sat waiting in the church parking lot, looking for all the world like a luxury sedan. Pink and white streamers, and empty pop cans were tied to the bumper. A gorgeous calligraphy banner proclaimed, "Just Married ~ Todd and Lee." Lee looked around at the faces of the people who were most dear to her in the world and gave a little impromptu speech, "Short and sweet everybody. Or I won't get through this." Afterwards, everyone was hugging. But Todd went over to the driver's side of the car and stood with one foot inside and one out, as if he couldn't wait to be on their way. Timothy practically growled as he stared over Lee's head into Todd's eyes, "You better take good care of my little girl." "Mommy..." Lee's voice broke as she reverted to her baby name for her mother and turned into her embrace. "My precious girl. You've made my life so beautiful." Lacey stepped back and cupped her daughter's face, as if trying to commit every feature to memory. Last of all was Nana. Lee expected the most emotion from her. Instead she received a kiss on the top of her head and a slap on her bottom. Crying and laughing at the same time, Nana told her, "Leave and cleave. Go on now. Git!" ### Todd and Lee checked into a quaint little motel halfway to North Carolina and consummated their wedding. By the time they arrived in Jacksonville, Lee was more in love than ever. Often, Todd would pause in the middle of whatever they were doing and ask, "L, do you mind if we stop and pray? I just want to thank the Lord. We're so blessed!" Did she mind? Of course she didn't! Her heart was so full of gratitude she could burst! In her bliss, she had no inkling Todd had her completely fooled regarding the depth of his faith. Later on, she realized he'd probably had himself fooled, as well. "A Talented Author!" Gina Groeger, Homeschooling Mom
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