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Schwabing (Ostteil)

Angebote / Angebote:

Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 205. Nicht dargestellt. Kapitel: Liste Der Baudenkmäler in München/schwabing, Maximiliansgymnasium München, Oskar-Von-Miller-Gymnasium München, Münchner Lach- Und Schießgesellschaft, Erlöserkirche, Schenkendorfstraße, Nordfriedhof, Kleinhesseloher See, Siegestor, Schwabylon, Stauwehr Oberföhring, Mtsv Schwabing, Max-Joseph-Brücke, Heppel & Ettlich, Tivoli-Kraftwerk, Leopoldstraße, Rationaltheater, Schloss Suresnes, Schloss Biederstein, Münchner Freiheit, Wohnheim Biederstein, Highlight Towers, Weiße Brücke, Ftm Schwabing, Oberstjägermeisterbach, Münchner Tor, Isarring, Katholische Akademie in Bayern, Tivolibrücke, John-F.-Kennedy-Brücke, St.-Emmeram-Brücke, Seidlvilla, Schwabinger See, Schwabinger Bach, Schwabinger Weihnachtsmarkt, Kammertheater München, Märchenbrunnen, Viereckhof, Walking Man, Tams, Berolina Brunnen, Oberer Wehrbach, Reitbach, Unterer Wehrbach, Schwabinger Eisbach, Biedersteiner Tunnel, Schwarze Lacke, Altschwabing. Auszug: The Siegestor (en: Victory Gate) in Munich, is a three-arched triumphal arch crowned with a statue of Bavaria with a lion-quadriga, similar in style to the Arch of Constantine in Rome, the Marble Arch in London, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin. It is located between the Ludwig Maximilian University and the Ohmstraße, on the intersection of the Leopoldstraße and the Ludwigstraße. Therefore it divides the two Munich districts of Maxvorstadt and Schwabing. Destroyed Siegestor 1945The gate was commissioned by King Ludwig I of Bavaria, designed by Friedrich von Gärtner and completed by Eduard Mezger in 1852. The quadriga was created by Martin von Wagner. The gate was originally dedicated to the glory of the Bavarian army (dem bayerischen Heere zum Ruhme). Today the Siegestor is a monument and reminder to peace. After sustaining heavy damage in World War II, the gate was - similar to the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche in Berlin - reconstructed and restored only partially. The inscription on the back side is by Wilhelm Hausenstein and reads Dem Sieg geweiht, vom Krieg zerstört, zum Frieden mahnend, which translates as "Dedicated to victory, destroyed by war, reminding of peace". In the last couple of years, the statues that remained were meticulously cleaned and restored. The Siegestor is 21 meters high, 24 meters wide, and 12 meters deep. It was featured in The Amazing Race 9 as a pit-stop.
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