Sacred Energies of the Golden Cities
BücherAngebote / Angebote:
A Guidebook to right now - our incredibly turbulent times, our "Time of Testing." The channeled lectures and study lessons in Sacred Energies tell us exactly what is going on "the big picture"and how to benefit from it: How to perceive it in a way that helps us grow and become our best, loving selves, and how, by appreciating the transcendent nature of what may feel scary and horrible, perhaps we may even experience gratitude. Take heart: "As the polarity of politics subsides and humanity begins to cultivate and achieve the Christ Consciousness, we enter the neutral point. This neutral point is described as unity and Oneship and ushers in a new period for humanity, poverty is removed as true abundance reigns on Earth." And, according to channeled Ascended Master Saint Germain, "When darkness seems to produce an all-time low, it is also the greatest opportunity for light." Sacred Energies features an indepth study regarding the metaphysics of the Golden Cities - real locations where our spiritual growth can be expedited during the ongoing Time of Change Lori Toye is known for the best-selling I AM America Earth Changes Maps, which introduced spiritual teachings of prophecy and the Time of Change. Her initial work was published more than twenty years ago before public awareness of the serious environmental issues of Global Warming and Climate Change. Lori's work has been featured on NBC, FOX, UPN, London's Carlton Television, in the Washington Post and the New York Times.
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