Roman Jakobson
BücherAngebote / Angebote:
Frontmatter -- FOREWORD -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- By Way of Introduction: Roman Jakobson's Tenets and Their Potential -- The Study of Paleosiberian Languages -- Roman Jakobson's Cooperation with Scandinavian Linguists -- Roman Jakobson's Contribution to Slavic Accentology -- The Influence of Roman Jakobson on the Development of Semiotics -- Roman Jakobson and the Comparative Study of Parallelism -- ?????????????? ?????? ?. ?. ???????? ? ??????? ????????? ?????????? -- Roman Jakobson's Contribution to the Modern Study of Speech Sounds -- Jakobson's Contribution to Phenomenology -- ????? ?. ?. ???????? ? ?????????? ? ??????????????? ??????????? ? ?????????????? ???????????? -- The Linguistic Model in Biology -- Jakobson and the Postwar Slavists -- ?????????????????????????????? ???????? ? ??????? ?. ?. ???????? -- La Place de Roman Jakobson dans la vie littéraire et artistique tschécoslovaque -- The Contribution of Linguistics to the Theory of Aphasia -- Roman Jakobson and (Old) Church Slavonic Studies -- Comparative Slavic Poetics in the Work of Roman Jakobson -- Jakobsonian Ideas in Generative Grammar -- ? ???????????, 7 ????????? ? 11 ??????????? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????? ???????? -- Phonologie théorique et phonétique -- Roman Jakobson on Russian Epics and Old Russian Literature -- Jakobson's Contributions to American Li -- Roman Jakobson and the New Poetics -- Roman Jakobson and the Prague School -- Distinctive Feature Theory -- Child Language Studies -- Roman Jakobson's Teaching in America -- Roman Jakobson's Contribution to the Study of Slavic Historical Phonology and Phonetics -- Roman Jakobson's Work on the History of Linguistics -- Roman Jakobson and Old Czech Literature -- Poétique générale -- Roman Jakobson and Dutch Linguistics -- Roman Jakobson and Avantgarde Art -- Roman Jakobson and the Study of Rhyme
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