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Refreshing the Odour

Angebote / Angebote:

A richly humorous description of numerous and varied willful meanderings initiated within central England and terminating (often most) within Scotland's Outer Hebrides. The author's torturous academic development, grappling with scholastic inconsistencies and an aborted relocation to Manhattan, forms a vital backdrop to the philosophical content. An unbridled passion for both science and music intuitively shapes the narrative towards reflections of politics, religion, humanity, space travel, gametogenesis and the broader world beyond. Hence, amongst many scathing contemplations, celebrity culture is summarily dismissed as an abhorrent intrusion to modern life. This literary ouroborus will infuriate and bemuse, infuriate and bemuse......
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


40,50 CHF

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