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Rebel Without A Bra

Angebote / Angebote:

Women Rule, But Has Anyone Told The Men?Mex is heading for the Edinburgh Festival in search of Legless. Hot on her heels is Beryl a leader who has already dropped Mex in it once and now plans to do so again. Beryl must make contact with Mex before Mex finds Legless, retrieve the spark plug but not Legless, find a way back to Planet Hy Man, without Legless and save her planet.And all before the Edinburgh Festival finishes!A feat made near impossible when considering her arch-rival Hilda, a woman as ruthless as a politician (and with the same dress sense) has access to every high- tech spying equipment going.A Rebel Without a Bra is the second in the Planet Hy Man series where every hero is a woman old enough to know better and old enough not to care.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


26,90 CHF