Ready-To-Use Reading Activities for the Elementary Classroom
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For classroom teachers and reading specialists, this unique resource provides a complete, year-round collection of easy-to-use teaching ideas and activity sheets to supplement any developmental or remedial reading program in grades 1 through 6. All of this material is conveniently organized into 12 monthly sections plus an introduction and is printed in a spiral-bound format that folds flat for photocopying. Here are just a few of the teaching ideas and reproducible activities youll find in each monthly section, beginning with September: SEPTEMBERIdeas: Phonics WorkbooksWord Lists for Labor Day and Back to School Activities: Schoolhouse Word HuntBack to School Maze...Word Match OCTOBERIdeas: The Fun BoxGrading PapersWord List for Halloween Activities: Columbus Day Word Hunt... Jack-o-Lantern Puzzle... Word Hunt NOVEMBERIdeas: Visitors DayWord Lists for Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Activities: Turkey TimeThanksgiving PuzzleThe Lost Feast DECEMBERIdeas: Library CenterRead-InMaking a Reading CaveGame Boards Activities: Christmas PuzzleA Letter to SantaHanukkah JANUARYIdeas: Superstar Bulletin BoardWord List for Martin Luther King Day Activities: New Years Eve PuzzleThe Hidden SledSnowball Fight FEBRUARYIdeas: Broken Heart GameLibrary ContestWord List for Groundhog Day Activities: Saint ValentineSentence CompletionLincolns Birthday MARCHIdeas: Listening LessonGame BoardWord List for St. Patricks Day Activities: Shamrock Maze Shopping SpreeLegend of the Leprechaun APRILIdeas: Scrambled Egg Game Using Cartoons to Teach Quotation Marks Activities: Arbor DayThe Lost BonnetEaster Vowel PuzzleMAY/JUNEIdeas: Cloze techniqueWord Lists for Mothers Day and Fathers Day Activities: May Day SuperstitionsMemorial DayFlag Day JULY/AUGUSTIdeas: Word Lists for Independence Day and Columbus Sails Activities: Independence Day Word Hunt and Columbus Sails Each of
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