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Reading with Old Style Conjure Cards

Angebote / Angebote:

Momma Starr, noted Conjure Woman, has provided Root-Workers and Conjure-Folk with an invaluable tool for working with the Ancestral Spirits, doctoring the root (the spirit), and doing insightful and useful readings for oneself and conjure clients. Old-Style Conjure Cards are powerful tools for competent spiritual-readings and they clearly reflect a lifetime of work and a wellspring of knowledge." Orion Foxwood author of "Introduction to Southern Conjure" DVD and "The Candle and the Crossroads" This book, Reading with Old Style Conjure Cards, includes: An Introduction to Conjure Card Reading - discussing ethics and counseling History of Reading the Playing Cards Getting Started - detailed instruction on dressing and blessing the cards How to Work the Cards The Card Lay Outs - includes illustrations and detailed instructions Specific combinations of cards - relating to different aspects of everyday life Explanation of Timing in a Reading Illustrations of each card in the deck - with individual meanings and specific bible verse(s) The book is also available from the publisher in a deluxe reading kit, which includes a Tarot-sized deck, anointing oil, candle and traditional white reading cloth. This product is the book by itself.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


16,90 CHF

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